Dakle, trebalo je četiri pune godine da prođe, pa da konačno dovedem i najbolji surf bend na Svetu, po rečima Luxa Interriora (The Cramps) – The Bambi Molesters. Petak, 7. april @ SKC. Gosti: Welcomin’ Committee In Flames i The Babies. bambi molesters babies Pročešljajte sajtove, dosta su dobro urađeni + ima dosta pesama za […]


Karte su u pretprodaji (900 din!!): Plato Music Store i kafe “Fleka” na Akademiji. Na dan koncerta tako?e 900 din!! Broj karata ograni?en na 400!! UK Subs ne samo da pripadaju prvom talasu pank bendova nastalih polovinom sedamdesetih godina u Londonu, oni su i jedan od retkih bendova koji se nije ponovo formirao u poslednjih […]

hard-ons (australia)

Najpoznatiji ozi hardcore, pop-punk, punk-rock i sl. bend – HARD-ONS – po prvi put u Srbiji: utorak, 06. decembar – Novi Sad @ NS TIME (gosti: Shoplifters) sreda, 07. decembar – Beograd @ SKC (gosti: Acroholia) Najveći australijski punk-rock bend, Hard Ons, osnovan je 1982. godine kada su tri petnaestogodišnja drugara iz sidnejske srednje škole […]


Osnivač THE GUN CLUB i koautor mnogih njihovih hitova, član THE CRAMPS na najboljim albumima: “PSYCHEDELIC JUNGLE”, “BAD MUSIC FOR BAD PEOPLE” i “SMELL OF FEMALE”, sa NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS snimio: “TENDER PREY”, “THE GOOD SON” i “WINGS OF DESIRE”, između ostalih sarađivao sa sledećim undeground zvezdama: FALL, MICHAEL GIRA, DIAMANDA GALAS, […]

John Schooley & His One Man Band (Austin, Texas) i The Guilty Hearts (Los Angeles, California)

U nedelju, 2. oktobra u domu omladine beogradskoj rokenrol publici predstaviće se John Schooley & His One Man Band (Austin, Texas) i The Guilty Hearts (Los Angeles, California). Koncert otvara bg bend Ventolin. john schooley the guilty hearts Prvi BAD MUSIC FOR BAD PEOPLE koncerti ove jesenje sezone dogovoreni su za 2 odlična američka R’n’R […]

Ring my Belgrade by Ben Blackwell

Dirtbombs’ drummer documents the band’s hubbub in Serbia European tours for the Dirtbombs have recently become somewhat draining with more responsibility and paperwork. But our latest trip was an exception. Besides a four-day jag at a Barcelona oceanfront hotel that found us rocking the shit out of a couple thousand Spaniards, we (Mick, Pat, Troy, […]

bata skc-a, nedelja, 17. jul, 21:00

rokenroleri!! U nedelju se nastavlja BELEF (badmusic letnji festival) i posle vrhunskih koncerata DIRTBOMBS i NOMEANSNO, BAD MUSIC FOR BAD PEOPLE ima zadovoljstvo da Vas po?asti jo jednim dobrim bendom – HIC ET NUNC iz Ljubljane. garage-blues bend koji se dokazao i u americi (26 koncerata u 30 dana, coast-to-coast!!) sa ubedljivo najboljim vokalom ex-YU, […]


Well Rome’s premier killed by death purveyors, TAXI, have came a long way since Dead Beat released their debut LP/CD ‘Like A Dog’ in February of 2003. This debut recieved some phenomenal press from a band that, to many, seemed to have literaly come out of nowhere. Pretty much unknow when that debut was released, […]

bio AMG

by Mike DaRonco The Boss Martians’ style of ’60s-influenced guitar pop was debuted in 1995 upon the release of their first self-titled full-length on Dionysus Records. Accompanied by an influence of Paul Revere & the Raiders, the Beach Boys, the Trashmen and the Astronauts, the Seattle natives also had the chance to scatter several singles […]


LAS VEGAS WEEKLY Reminiscent of Elvis Costello’s Angry Young Man period, meaning the good Elvis Costello, this group kicks ass, from “I Am Your Radio” (voted Coolest Song of 2003 by Little Steven’s Underground Garage) to the disc’s last, titular track. Start listening now and hold bragging rights over your friends for years to come. […]

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